PANTRA Kids Ride (2016)

On April 24, 2016 Pantra hosted its annual Kid's ride at the Liberty Lake ORV Park. I remember my first Pantra activity was the Kid’s ride, it was one of the many things that attracted me to join Pantra, and I have been a member ever since. The Pantra Kid’s ride of 2016 was no exception. There were many kids of all riding levels and ages taking part in the fun, prizes, and best of all the riding. The weather held out for us, it was cloudy and cool, but no rain to dampen the day, a perfect day to ride.
Along with the Pantra Kid’s ride, the Liberty Lake ORV park has its annual opening day, where Bryant Robinson, the Park Ranger, provided donuts and coffee to all. He also introduced 2 horse mounted SCOPE volunteers and Pantra and thanked all for their participation and support for the park, and for each of the various groups both motorized and non-motorized working together to keep and help maintain the Liberty Lake Park.

After the festivities and rider’s meeting, the kid’s broke off into 2 groups, beginner and intermediate, poker run cards in hand with hopes of winning a great prize at the end of the day. Several challenging and fun laps were run and after a nice ride everyone returned to the parking lot for burgers, hotdogs, and lots of food. Pantra supplied the burgers, hotdogs, and cold drinks, the members provided the snacks, desserts, and side dishes. A feast was laid out and everyone got their fill while they told stories about the crashes, the jumps, and who was faster.
After lunch the poker cards were all turned in and tallied up to see who had the best hand, who had the worst hand, and then random drawings for all as there were plenty of prizes available provided by Pantra, Coeur d’Alene Powersports and Allsport. We thank our sponsors for helping us make the Kid’s ride prize table full with enough prizes for all. I am looking forward to next years Kid's ride, I hope to see you all there.