PANTRA Election Results (2017)
2017 PANTRA Election Results:
January 8th was the first meeting of the year and was held at the MoonDollars Bistro. The first meeting of the year means elections were held for PANTRA's 2017 club Officers.
The election results are as follows:
- Steve Hart retained his position as President.
- Rick Thorne retained his position as Vice President
- Austin Hart was elected as our new Treasurer
- Andy Wells retained his position as Secretary
With this years election results, the only change from last year's PANTRA Officers is Austin Hart replacing Toni Kaminski as Treasurer. However, Toni has been pulling double duty during her time as Treasurer.
Toni has been an invaluable asset in planning and organizing PANTRA's parties and events while also doing her Treasurer duties. Fortunately for PANTRA, Toni has agreed to continue to lend us her talents and continue to be PANTRA's Event Coordinator.
Tom Wuest will continue in the role of liaison between PANTRA and the Government agencies that control where we ride and trail funding (USFS, IDPR, etc...).
Please take the time and thank everyone who has volunteered their time and talents to help keep going PANTRA's mission of promoting, maintaining, preserving, and expanding trail riding opportunities in the Inland Northwest.


(Vice President)



(Event Coordinator)

Thank you very much for your continued contribution to the club!