Wallace to Avery Ride

Wallace to Avery Ride
From 9:00 am
At Cranky Gulch
47.447449, -115.936354
PANTRA / 350dirtrider
This Wallace to Avery ride is ~80 miles (round trip) of mostly technical single-track for intermediate to advanced riders only!
If you're not sure if you qualify as an "intermediate to advanced rider" and would like to come, there are several exit points that will take you to Moon Pass Road and back to the staging area if the ride becomes too difficult or if you have a bike or body breakdown. We recommend you bring a friend that doesn't mind riding back with you if turning back becomes necessary.
We will be staging at the Cranky Gulch trail-head just outside of Wallace (see map) at 9:00 am. From Cranky Gulch, we will head down Bad TomĀ and make our way towards Avery. We will refuel and have lunch at Avery before we head back towards Wallace via the Nelson Ridge Trail #186.
Wallace-Avery group ride video: