PANTRA Whitewater Rafting Trip

PANTRA Whitewater Rafting Trip
From 9:30
At Alberton Gorge, Montana
47.005842, -114.580137
Panhandle Trail Riders Association
PANTRA's annual rafting trip at Montana's Alberton Gorge will be July 30th and 31st. You can signup for just one day or raft both days for the same price.
Each day we will stop for lunch on the river but lunch is NOT provided. You can bring your food and beverage in a small-medium sized ice chest which will be strapped into the rafts.
The cost is $15 per person to cover the rental fees for the rafts. Space is limited so reserve your spot(s) today!
You can either pay by PayPal or pay with cash or check at the event. On either method of payment, please fill out the form below so we know how many spots to reserve for each day.