PANTRA Wallace to Avery Ride

PANTRA Wallace to Avery Ride
From 8:00 am
At Cranky Gulch
47.447449, -115.936354
This Wallace to Avery ride is ~80 miles (round trip) of mostly technical single-track for advanced riders only! If you're not sure if you qualify as an "advanced rider" and would like to come, there are several exit points that will take you to Moon Pass Road and back to the staging area if the ride becomes too difficult or if you have a bike or body breakdown. We recommend you bring a friend that doesn't mind riding back with you if turning back becomes necessary.
This is ADVANCED RIDES ONLY. There will be no one to take you back if you need to get back. Must be able to fix your own bike. You will need to be able to ride 80 miles without refueling. Or pack gas. Do to fire area restrictions will not be going to Avery like normal
We will be staging at the Cranky Gulch trail-head just outside of Wallace (see map) at 8:00 am. From Cranky Gulch.
Eric Thomas Jones and I, possibly others that jump in, will host the ride. Some info:
1) We won’t be stopping at Avery this year due to proximity to fire closures and operations. No food/drink/gas will be available on the route. Bring what you need to ride in the backcountry for the day, along with usual gear to fix your tires/bike if it fails.
2) Our route will keep us west of the closure area, or at least skirt the edge of it. It will be shorter than previous years with some road miles on Moon Pass Road (to/from Avery) cut, but the single track will be ample. Count on needing a range of 60-70 miles with your bike or extra gas that you bring.
3) The ride is advanced mostly for the stamina required. Most of it is no more difficult than trails 1 3 & 5 at Canfield, but consider riding those a dozen times in a row up, then a dozen times down — repeat, all day. We won’t have the ability to escort folks back and won’t have Moon Pass Road accessible (like previous years) as an easy road/bypass back to the parking lot. So if you’re unsure this is your cup of tea, we recommend bringing a riding buddy in case you want to head back early.
4) New to the club or have questions? Feel free to ask.