PANTRA Wallace to Avery Ride

PANTRA Wallace to Avery Ride
From 9:00 am
At Cranky Gulch
47.447449, -115.936354
This Wallace to Avery ride is ~80 miles (round trip) of mostly technical single-track for intermediate to advanced riders only! If you're not sure if you qualify as an "intermediate to advanced rider" and would like to come, there are several exit points that will take you to Moon Pass Road and back to the staging area if the ride becomes too difficult or if you have a bike or body breakdown. We recommend you bring a friend that doesn't mind riding back with you if turning back becomes necessary.
We will be staging at the Cranky Gulch trail-head just outside of Wallace (see map) at 9:00 am. From Cranky Gulch, we will head down Bad Tom and make our way towards Avery. We will refuel and have lunch at Avery before we head back towards Wallace via the Nelson Ridge Trail #186.
My son and I are interested in going on the Wallace to Avery ride
Do we need to sign up somewhere?
We only have a sign up when we’re providing food. This ride is bring your own or buy it when we get to Avery. All we ask is you be ready to ride at 9:00 at the Cranky Gulch trailhead.
Can anyone come and ride or just members? Is there a place near the trail head to park an RV?
Hi Scott,
All our club rides and events are for members, or to recruit members, because we are a political and trail maintenance organization. The more members we have the more political leverage we have in keeping trails open to motorized use. Also, the more members we have the more manpower and money we have to put into maintaining and clearing trails. That being said, we will not turn you away if you want to ride with us.
You can camp at the Cranky Gulch Trailhead but it’s just a pullout next to the road that takes you to Avery. I would suggest you try the Wallace RV Park.
Is there fuel to purchase in Avery or do we bring our own?
Yes, there is fuel (Ethanol free) in Avery. You’ll need to bring your own two-stroke oil if you need to mix.
Do we need to be street legal for this ride? Getting gas on the other end might be problematic for an old YZ without a gas can to mix the oil and gas. It looks like from the video that there were some old 2 strokes what have others done? Thanks.
No, you do not need to be street legal. Technically on a couple short transfer sections you’re supposed to have an off-road plate but it’s never been a problem for the people that only have and off-road sticker.
At least half of the riders are on two strokes and they just bring a small pre-measured bottle of two stroke oil and just dump it in their tank after they fill up and just give their bike a shake. You will need at least a 40 mile range on a tank of gas or you’ll have to carry enough to make it to Avery before you top off and make the 40 mile loop back to Cranky Gulch.