PANTRA General Meeting
PANTRA's General Meeting
From 6:00 until 8:00
At Moondollars Bistro
609 N Syringa St, Post Falls, ID 83854
Social hour starts at 6:00 and the meeting starts at 7:00
- Call to Order at 7:00 pm
- New Members & Guests Introduction
- Last Month's Meeting Minutes Review
- Treasury Report
New Business:
- Chainsaws and saw-mounts from our grant have been purchased. We will be signing the equipment out to members that intend to be clearing trails and logging their trail clearing hours.
- We will be planning/setting dates for this year's (2018) PANTRA rides and events.
- Review/update of the first meeting for Eastern Washington's trails user group.
Here is a list of this years rides/events we will be setting dates on:
Nettleton Gulch Cleanup |
Kids Ride & BBQ |
Canfield to Spades Ride |
Redneck Triathlon |
LPO Campout/Ride/Breakfast |
Gold Creek Ride & BBQ |
Wallace to Avery Ride |
PANTRA Summer Picnic |
White Water Rafting Trip |
Hell's Canyon Ride |
Dusty Cleavage Ladies Ride |
Batey-Bould Ride |
PANTRA Christmas Party |