Holiday Party

From 6.00 pm until 10.00 pm
At American Legion Post Falls
1138 E Poleline Ave
The end of the riding season is fast approaching. We will be doing the annual Holiday party and elections on Nov 16 at 6 pm this year at he the American Legion Post Falls. You must be a paid PANTRA member and register for this event. We have 75 places available. Kids are welcome. We will have a50/50 raffle and a white elephant gift exchange. $20 maximum gift. Please bring a gift for each person kids included. This year we are scrapping the gear raffle and making this a more social event to get together with all your riding friends. Alcoholic beverages can be purchased from the bartender at the post ONLY. It will be a cash bar only. When you sign up please indicate the total number from your family attending. PANTRA will provide the dinner catered by Cafe Rio.
There are 52 people coming.
Look who's coming:
- Brett and Jen Jarnes x2 ()
- Kayla Jarnes x2 ()
- Hoglund x3 ()
- Darcy Kemp x2 ()
- Tia Flynn x2 ()
- Britney Marchioro x4 ()
- Erin robinson x2 ()
- Randy Nilles x4 ()
- Englund x2 ()
- Robert steele x4 ()
- Eric and Kelli Jones x2 ()
- Fischer x3 ()
- Steve Hart x2 ()
- Shane Tonsgard x4 ()
- Shane Tonsgard x4 ()
- Woody Clouse x2 ()
- Melanie Dickinson x4 ()
- Nate Englund x2 ()
- Mike Scharff x2 ()