Canfield to Spades Ride

Canfield to Spades Ride
From 10:00 am
At Nettleton Gulch Lower Parking Lot
47.712877, -116.732687
This is a PANTRA group ride where we will be riding from Canfield to Spades and back. The rout we take will depend on how many riders and the skill level of the group(s). Riders should be capable beginners, and above, and be able to ride 50+ miles of a combination of single-track, double-track, and FS roads.Spades Tower is no more (torn down) but it's still a fun ride that's relatively easy. Don't forget to pack a lunch.
There are 17 people coming.
Look who's coming:
- Steve Hart x1 ()
- Mike Chartier x1 ()
- Andy wells x2 ()
- Austin x1 ()
- Rob P x1 ()
- Lizzie wiest x3 ()
- Lynn\'s x2 ()
- Sandon Baker x1 ()
- Malachi x2 ()
- Tom Harris x2 ()
- Randy Nilles x1 ()
Great ride! Guides were fantastic.