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Frequently Asked Questions

I like to ride alone, why should I become a member?

The trails we ride on are multi-use trails which means we share the trails with people who have different interests.  There are individuals and groups that actively lobby land managers (IDPR, USFS, State & County Legislatures, District Rangers, etc.) to deny motorized access to our trails.

We meet almost every month with several of the different land managers and fight for your right to ride on the trails (PANTRA member or not). We give you a voice that otherwise might not be heard.  The only way to get members is to promote the sport and the club by advertising and to make the club fun by having organized rides and events.  Website's, website hosting, insurance, parties, BBQ's, and event prizes are not free.

Also, when we apply for grants for trail clearing equipment (chainsaws, chainsaw mounts, etc.), there's a required 20% match that we have to come up with and we're also responsible for the maintenance cost of that equipment.

We spend hundreds of hours each year clearing, brushing, and repairing trails.  Without this effort, the majority of the trails would not be usable for anybody and many unmaintained trails would be closed because of environmental sustainability or safety concerns.

Over the years we've lost some battles like the Chilco trail.  However, we have had successes like keeping Hell's Canyon and Nettleton Gulch and Batey-Bould open.

The core mission of PANTRA is to educate people, preserve and maintain your riding trails.  We couldn't do that without members like you!

How long does a membership last?

The terms of the membership shall be one year, with the dues assessed annually on Jan 1st.

Do I have to renew each year?

We do not currently offer auto-pay so we do ask that you renew your membership each year.  Memberships expire on Jan 1st and dues are assessed then.

If I join after the riding season, do I still need to renew in Jan?

No.  If you join PANTRA after the regular riding season has ended (November), your membership will start Jan 1 of the following year.

Example: If you joined PANTRA in December, your membership would start in Jan.

What is the difference between a Silver and Gold Business Sponsorship?


  • WEBSITE - There will be your business's logo with a link to your businesses' website prominently displayed throughout PANTRA's website.


  • All benefits of the SILVER business sponsorship.
  • Complimentary individual, or family, membership for the owner.
  • FACEBOOK - You will be allowed to advertise your sales & specials to our members and *public on PANTRA's Facebook Group page. *(you don't need to be a PANTRA member to be a member of our Facebook Group page) .
What are PANTRA's by-laws?
Record keeping 501 (c) 3 Application
Record keeping 990-PF Returns
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