Trails That Need Brushed/Tread Work
We've been asked to report the single-track trails in the CDA & St. Joe National Forests that need brushing and/or tread work to help each Ranger District prioritize their trail maintenance resources. Please take a few seconds and fill out the survey at the link for each trail you think needs brushed or tread work.

EZ Trail Clearing Report
It only takes 60 SECONDS. Please fill out the online 'EZ Trail Clearing Form' when you do trail clearing. It's an important piece of trail management and preserving your right to ride on them. Thanks!

Canfield Mountain Trail System
The Forest Service has committed to yearly maintenance on this system because of the high usage. We intend to be a partner and help. We will be putting on work days to achieve the goals and grants that are currently going on. We will send out emails, post on our Facebook page, and post on this website our scheduled work days.

Chainsaws & Chainsaw Mounts Checkout
If you are a PANTRA member in good standing and would like to help clear trails this year, we have chainsaws, mounts, brushers, pulaskis, Mcleods, chaps, hardhats, glasses, and even ear plugs for checkout. All we ask is to take 30 seconds to log your hours using our online form. We have training available as well.