PANTRA Gold Creek Ride & BBQ

PANTRA Gold Creek Ride & BBQ
From 9:30 am
At Gold Creek Lodge
47.943894, -116.443698
Free to PANTRA members
Gold Creek Lodge and PANTRA are happy to be continuing the tradition of the Gold Creek Ride (formally known as the Weatherly Ride). This is an opportunity for PANTRA members to get a guided tour of some of the best backcountry single track around and have a BBQ waiting for you after a great day of riding.
We will have 2 different groups (intermediate and expert) with riders meeting at 9:30 and the rides to follow shortly thereafter. Other smaller groups will be coming and going throughout the day if you cannot make the morning rides.
After the ride, we will have a free BBQ for all PANTRA members. The BBQ will start at 3:00 and end at 5:00. Memberships will be available the day of (so bring your friends). PANTRA will provide hamburgers, hot dogs, and all the side dishes that make a BBQ great. We will have bottled water to drink and Gold Creek lodge will have other beverages for sale including beer.
The Lodge will also offer a 10% discount to overnight PANTRA guests.
*This event has become so popular that we've been asked to limit the number of riders to 40. Therefore, register early to save your spot!
If you are not riding and want to attend, do not register but simply let us know in the comment section so we will know how much food will be needed for the BBQ.

There are 35 people coming.
Look who's coming:
- Mike Mongan x6 ()
- Adam Isaac x1 ()
- dave beauchene x1 ()
- Tim Blankenship x1 ()
- Austin Hart x1 ()
- Roy Ferguson x2 ()
- peter sweeney x2 ()
- Kevin Hoglund x1 ()
- John Dawson x1 ()
- Dave Griffiths x2 ()
- Rocque x1 ()
- Tony Livingston x2 ()
- Ken Husby x1 ()
- Mike Hell x1 ()
- Ken Cloos x1 ()
- dan garber x2 ()
- Mike Scott x1 ()
- Randy Nilles x1 ()
- Bart M x2 ()
- Julie Buck x1 ()
- Brett jarnes x1 ()
- Pat x1 ()
- Steve H x1 ()
- Tyler Jernigan x1 ()
I put in a request for two but that only one rider Julie not riding not sure if that was wright just wanted to clear up
Hi Rocque,
I changed yours to 1 rider and 2 for the BBQ. The 40 cap is on riders. We just need to know how many for the BBQ so we know how much food is needed.
Un, por favor para mi solanente. Just me
Want to help Friday and ride Saturday, eh.
I have a chain saw, etc.
Will pay for memberhip then?
Hi Marc,
Sounds great! Yes, you can pay for a membership then. Although your membership helps us in many different ways, because you are from BC, we couldn’t ask you to buy a membership if you help work on our trails. We would be happy to have you join us for the ride and BBQ at no charge if you help us with trail maintenance.
Steve Hart
VP – Panhandle Trail Riders Association (PANTRA)
I would arrive Thursday night and leave Sunday. Will I be able to pitch my tent somewhere?
We were told by the owner of the lodge that the trail workers can camp for free in the group area. We won’t arrive until Friday morning so you will have to let the lodge know what you are there for when you arrive.
How many miles is the ride?
The riders will be split up into riding abilities with different routes. The intermediate(+) rider’s route will be about 60 miles.
Unfortunately, I am unable to attend the Gold Creek ride. Please cancel my reservation and allow someone else to attend.